WiN: The EAAS Women's Network Journal Issue 2

Introduction: Feminism and Technoscience

WiN Editorial Board

Porous Bodies: Trans-corporeality and Passages of Becoming

Sarah Carlson

The Technology of Orgasm: Sexuality, Maternity, and Hysteria in Sarah Ruhl’s In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play (2009)

Zoe Detsi

Twenty-first Century Intertwining Feminist Voices in Networked Spaces

Despoina N. Feleki

Skin-Deep Gender: Posthumanity and the De(con)struction of the Feminine / Masculine Dichotomy in Westworld

Amaya Fernández Menicucci

Patchwork Palimpsest: Fragmentation, Literary Tradition and Remediation

Lizzy Pournara

Digital Media and Hungarian American Women’s Migration Narratives

Agnes Strickland-Pajtók

Cyberlesqued Re/Viewings: Political Challenges in the Neo-burlesque Spectacle

Mariza Tzouni


WiN: The EAAS Women’s Network Journal Issue 2 (2020)



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